Gingar Ail is a story-based SF RPG indie game developed by Pandora Chung. Currently, there is a demo of the game, which only works on the mac operating system.
Screenshots of the game
Game Demo
Download the demo here.Demo is currently only available on Mac OS.
Video of full demo playthrough
If you get an error that says "File is damaged and can't be opened", follow the steps below (or watch the YouTube video below and follow the steps there).
1. Open your "Terminal" app.
2. Type "xattr -c ", and then drag the app's image into the Terminal window to paste in the file path of the game application. An example might look like the following: "xattr -c /Applications/Gingar\"
If it's confusing, see this article from Apple Q&A.
3. Press enter, and try opening the executable again from Finder.
@Pandora Ashley Chung, All Rights Reserved.